People who take everything so personal

I took my time, a long time, and thought of what I should rant next. Now, don’t get me wrong cause I have plenty to rant about but the thing with ranting is that people might get offended, thing I won’t want to do. From my point of view, regardless of the topic people will get offended but in true honesty, they need to understand, that this is from my perspective and my perspective only. Therefore my topic today is people who take everything so personal because I won’t bite my tongue.

Now I’ve learned that with some people I can’t be honest cause they can’t handle the truth. That’s why sometimes I have to say Schnitzel like “it’s not you, it’s me” which by the way we all know that it’s you… “I’ve been thinking about it and…” which means I didn’t give a crap and most likely forgot about it but still don’t want to do it, “I am telling you this only because I care” and because you are a stupid Schnitzel and might get yourself in trouble.

But I’ve tried to keep as much as possible away from people that take everything so personal. For example, let’s say you are having a cheese and ham toastie at lunch and all of a sudden a colleague appears out of Schnitzel Heaven and starts huffing and puffing. You turn your head, make eye contact and you hear the words: “I can’t believe you are eating cheese in front of me. You know I am vegan”. Now you’re thanking God for the power given so that you can keep your poker face and not react. But really Schnitzel? You come and sit exactly next to me out of all the tables that are free and rub the vegan thing in my face? Please. You had the choice so go cook yourself. No one made you sit there.

Another thing that I don’t understand is why the Schnitzel do they think that everything is about them. Like there is a secret world organisation that decides to do these things. Well, there isn’t one. It’s frustrating to think that people are actually so attacked by stuff that is meant not in their direction or heck even maybe a person is just venting. Why do they have to go and make such a big fuss about it? For example one of my friends once was very mad at me because I was trying to explain to him what happened the night before, an outing he couldn’t attend to. He was really out of boundaries saying: “Why should I care what happened? I wasn’t there so it most likely sucked” Now aren’t you a self-centered Schnitzel who thinks that he is so important to a group of people that we can’t function without your presence. Sorry to inform you but we are not the flies to your shit!

Sometimes people need just to chill out and understand that this isn’t a way to live. That frustration and anger that is inside of them, needs to come out so that they can start finally living. Communication is key but if you get aggravated just because someone said that you don’t agree with that’s just rubbish. Try to keep an open mind and try looking from the others person perspective. In 99% of the time, things aren’t what they seem. I believe that everyone should learn how to NOT take themselves so seriously regardless of the social status and try to be happier. Smiling is not a weakness. I mean even, Beyonce smiles! Why shouldn’t you?

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