How Tuesday started to hate Monday #randomrant

Now usually people complain about Mondays and I honestly can understand why. But Tuesdays are even worse if think of it. If it would be up to me, I would ban Tuesday all together.

Monday now has become a better day because people complained about it. You have 50% off coffees around random coffee shops in town just because it’s Schnitzel Monday. Or you can get a free muffin with your coffee if it’s Monday. But my question is Why!!!

They all just days! Why do we discriminate against the other days? Why the Schnitzel should I pay for a coffee 0.90£ on a Monday but the 1.80£ on a Tuesday? Is it made with Evian Water on a Tuesday? And how is Tuesday better than Monday you might ask? Hit it Drake

Tuesday is the worst day due to the smoothings made on Monday. Officially (not really but it could be). If I would have to choose one day that should disappear from my calendar I would pick Tuesday because no one will ever go out on a Tuesday. On a Tuesday you usually are already sick of work even though you just had one day of work. And yet, why does Monday get the benefit of smoothings but Tuesday doesn’t?
Therefore I am starting a new campaign, eventhough it’s going to be only me taking part of it.Forget#TacoTuesday cause now #TruthTuesday is here.

From now on I will always take Tuesdays as a Truthsday in which I will always be truthful to myself. Do I want this ice cream? Hell yeah! Do I want to go to the gym? Schnitzel No! Do I want to eat Doritos on my couch and  watch the Tellie? Miley knows what’s good!

Call me what you want but sometimes we all need a break in the middle of the week. Especially in these days where time flies because we all to busy going to the gym or working that extra hour in order to have a better chance for that promotion. But not on my Truthsday! On Truthsday my needs will come first. It’s me first then everything else second. 

And that my friends is how Tuesday started to hate Monday! Because Tuesday was so happy with who it was! Don’t be like Tuesday. Be more concerned about yourself rather than others! Don’t look at Monday from Sunday! Just Schnitzel live in the moment kay? Good you got it!

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