
Oh why hello there… this is unexpected. I didn’t expect anyone to stumble upon my small and unforgiving blog. I have a tonne of question to ask you. Hmm, where should I start? Well, let me start with a simple question. How the hell did you get here? Are you lost? You wanted to reach another blog? Oh well, if you are here you can at least spend some time.

Why you might ask? Well, you and I both are asking ourselves the same question. Let me tell you the little story of this guy I know that moved to Scotland. In October 2016 he packed his stuff (in precisely 2 large bags and took off. He is mostly happy to have moved there but the move ain’t easy.

A different country, different culture, heck even the cows are different (they have hair!!!). If you don’t believe me maybe you should plan a trip to Glasgow and see for yourself. It’s really amusing.

To be fair I never thought I’ll start this blog. But man, I have things to rant about. And to whom better to tell them than to a perfect stranger that I’ve never met before and most likely won’t relate to anything I am saying. But hey! At least it will make you laugh or maybe even think of day to day things that we take for granted (for example the people on the train or that crazy gym guy who always is staring at you)

The bottom line is I am starting this in order to make you smile. Hey, that’s a good message to spread around strangers. If I think of it, I might go the extra mile and add in a drinking game for you, adults who are already above the drinking age. I really wonder who much time it will take me before I break my census. What I mean by census you might ask? Well, my newly acquired friend, if there is one thing you should know about me is that I am kinda into swearing. Not heavy swearing or anything like that… but sometimes a crap or a shit slips out of my mouth and I won’t even notice. Thank God I have a good idea of what needs to be edited so that I can cross them out or maybe replace it with a word like Shabing or even Schnitzel. Yeah! Schnitzel sounds good. Back to the drinking game. Each time you see the word Schnitzel you should take a drink. Regardless if you drink water, soda or even something alcoholic (hey… I am not here to judge)

Well, I guess you got the point. I am Mihai and I rant. Therefore welcome to MihaiRants